The Floor of the World // Janie Geiser

JANIE GEISER; is an internationally recognized visual/performance artist and experimental filmmaker, whose work is known for its investigation of the emotional power of inanimate objects, its sense of ambiguity, and its strength of design.  One of the pioneers in the renaissance of American avant-garde object performance, Geiser has, for two decades, created innovative, hypnotic works which integrate puppets and performing objects with film and video. “Geiser shares with filmmakers such as Jan Svankmajer the rare ability to make children’s toys and s  emingly innocent objects … resonate with the most unsettling, arcane, and adult fears. Better still, Geiser gives voice to the reaches of the unconscious, pointing to the abandoned splendor that exists prior to the rules of society and language.”
(Holly Willis, Res, 2004)
She was recognized in the LA Weekly’s 2006 State of the Arts as one of 100 significant Los Angeles Artists. [film trovato a seguito di un peregrinare sul web alla ricerca di forme]












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